The Time Comes

There was once a time when the world knew not of its Savior. Yet there was hope because it had been foretold that a child would be born and called Emmanuel – God is with us. In Lent, we prepare for his coming anew. During this season, we discover for ourselves the call of salvation and the promise of eternal life.

Jesus walked the earth for decades with few people taking notice of him. Then, in one moment, he came forward to perform a miracle and to introduce himself as the Son of God. Why then? Why that miracle?

Just as it is for many of us, it was because Jesus listened to his mother.

While attending a wedding, Jesus’ mother saw that the wine for the guests had all been consumed. Mary turned to her son and said:

“They have no more wine.” (John 2:3)

Her son seemed to be caught off guard by his mother’s implication. Jesus replied to her:

“Woman, why do you involve me? My hour has not yet come.” (John 2:4)

For some inexplicable reason she only understood, Mary felt the time had come for Jesus to come out to the world. She said to the servants:

“Do whatever he tells you.” (John 2:5)

Dutifully, but perhaps reluctantly, Jesus then instructed the servants to bring him large jars of water Miraculously, the water was turned into wine. And so it was at that time that Jesus revealed publicly that he was capable of doing the works of God.

Turning water into wine for the pleasure of some wedding guests does not seem to compare with the other miracles Jesus would later perform like making the lame walk; or the blind see; or the dead live. Yet that was the moment when Jesus revealed himself as Christ. Why then? Why that miracle? The explanation is simple, his mother said his time had come.

Later in the Gospel, we hear Jesus repeatedly state that he has been sent to do the will of God the Father. One example of this is when Jesus says:

“I love the Father and do exactly what my Father has commanded me.” (John 14:31)

It seems so simple to follow the lesson of Jesus who lived his life devoted to his Mother and faithful to his Father.

And it’s so simple for us to live our lives in the same way: devoted to the Holy Mother and faithful to God the Father.

So simple.

These Gospel stories are re-imagined in the book series:

Songs of the Deliverer

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