God Magnified

In the months leading to the birth of her son on the day we now know as Christmas, Mary visited with Elizabeth, an older cousin. Elizabeth was also being blessed with a miracle birth. Her baby would grow up to be John the Baptist, the man who called from the wilderness to prepare the way for the coming of the Lord.

When Elizabeth first saw Mary approaching her, she called out, “Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb!” The expectant mothers embraced in joy. Then Mary said,

“My soul magnifies the Lord.” (Luke 1:46)

With a single sentence, Mary conveys the purpose and privilege of being her child’s mother.

In my book, “Songs of the Deliverer,” Mary, the Mother of the Son of God, expresses this understanding in a poem that is a re-imagining of the Magnificat verse written in the Gospel of Luke (1:46 – 55). Mary sings:

“My soul magnifies the Lord, our King,

With the Son that lives inside of me.

I am blessed by God for Him I sing.


“God delivers grace and glory

To servants of simple circumstance.

Trust in the Lord and set yourself free.


“Divine wisdom confers the commandments:

Love is our purpose, redemption our fight

Forsake fortune, fame and vain indulgence.


“God proclaims through the golden light

Be honest, helping, kind, and true.

He is our Savior, we are dear in his sight.


“Be not afraid, God’s love renews.

Tears and troubles desist and die

True life begins when Heaven welcomes you


“With the Holy One, Lord I do magnify!”

This song of praise reflects the mission of Mary as a mother, a mission all parents share: to acknowledge the blessing God has given us with a child; to know that the purpose of our life and our child’s life is to love; and to embrace the faith that our love will reign eternally with God in heaven.

Christmas celebrates the day when Mary fulfilled her mission to magnify the Lord with the birth of her son. When we gather together at Christmas to give thanks for baby Jesus, we rejoice among our own families. Just as Mary magnified the Lord with the birth of Jesus, we, too, magnify God with the children we bring into the world. And we can sing in praise just as Mary did:

With this holy child, Lord, I do magnify!

These Gospel stories are re-imagined in the book series:

Songs of the Deliverer

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