Our Weakness = His Strength

There was once a time when the world knew not of its Savior. Yet there was hope because it had been foretold that a child would be born and called Emmanuel – God is with us. In Lent, we prepare for his coming anew. During this season, we discover for ourselves the call of salvation and the promise of eternal life.

Jesus tells us that when we are weak, he is strong:

“My grace will suffice, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” (2 Corinthians 12:9)

We all display weakness in our lives and we pray for Jesus to strengthen us in our times of weakness. But what about someone who continually demonstrates their weakness? What about a person like this:

  • Who was so mistaken, he was referred to as the devil: “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me.” (Matthew 16:23)
  • Who was told to not be afraid but then begged to be saved and was chastised with the words: “Oh, ye of little faith.” (Matthew 14:31)
  • In a fit of anger, got violent while in the midst of the Prince of Peace and was rebuked for his deviant behavior: “Put your sword away!” (John 18:11)
  • Tried to hide and then denied his friend, denied he ever even knew him: “You will disown me three times.” (Mark 14:30)

 This man who time after time revealed his weakness was Peter. And it was Jesus who in the incidents above, took him to task for his weakness. But, Jesus never quit on Peter. One day, he took him aside and told Peter:

You are the rock on which I will build my church.” (Matthew 16:18)

Who would believe that a man who showed as much weakness as Peter had, would become the foundation for the Church of Jesus Christ? Jesus Christ would. And Peter grew in courage and conviction and went on to the deliver the message of the new covenant to the people:

“Repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the Lord our God will call.” (Acts of the Apostles 2:38 – 39)

And the church grew on the rock called Peter. A man chosen by Jesus and filled with the Holy Spirit to go and make disciples of all people.

This from a man who stumbled, who feared, who angered, and who cowered in weakness. How could a man like that build a worldwide church of billions of people? Because when we are weak, Jesus is strong.

And Peter is the proof.

These Gospel stories are re-imagined in the book series:

Songs of the Deliverer

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