Birth of the Good News

The “Songs of the Deliverer” series tells the story of Christ and the Apostles re-imagined in modern day. It is a work of fiction but the stories and characters are based on the New Testament. These Reflections feature Biblical verses referenced in the second book, Faith Wins.

Referenced in Chapter 25

You have a job to do. It’s really important and if you don’t do it, it won’t get done.

So you begin. Not knowing what will happen nor understanding why you were the one given this responsibility, you go on against all odds and in the face of great suffering. Because you’ve got a job to do:

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.” (Matthew 28:19)

This is the commission Christ gave to the apostles. Jesus was sent by God to save the people of the world. Through his death on a cross, eternal life was revealed by his resurrection. Those who witnessed his glory, know the truth. Now, they are called to speak the truth:

“You are witnesses of these things.” (Luke 24:48)

On you go. Because you are witnesses and you must testify. You’re the ones who were chosen by Jesus at the river side, under a tree, at the entrance to a town. You were asked to follow him and become fishers of men. And now that he has gone to be with God the Father in heaven, he leaves it to you to let the coming generations know the truth:

“As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” (John 20:21)

You walk the earth sharing the revelations Jesus shared with you. You tell of the holy commandments to love, you teach others to serve rather than be served, you recall the miracle healings Jesus performed to show God’s mercy. Because Jesus told you that spreading the news of salvation was your job:

“Go into all the world and proclaim the good news to the whole creation.” (Mark 16:15)

And you do. You proclaim the good news – the gospel – of Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten Son who was given to the world so that those who believe him will be born again to everlasting life.

Matthew, Luke, John, and Mark had a job to do. And if they hadn’t done it, we wouldn’t have Jesus in our lives today. It would have been as if Christ had never lived. But the apostles did their job and through their gospels, gave birth to the faith we share. Now, we are heirs to their witness. As we take Christ into our lives, it is upon us to teach the gospel to the coming generations so that they, too, will know the glory of Jesus Christ and the promise of salvation.

We have a job to do.

Here is link to the book on Amazon: Songs of the Deliverer II – Faith Wins

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